
Jüngerschaftstraining für Gemeindeleiter (Discipleship Training of Church Leaders PRF 8805) Bei Interesse PRF Nr. angeben

Contribution to Strategy: Discipleship is a strategic need in the Bolivian church and part of both SIM Bolivia and the Union Christiana Evangelica's strategic focus. SIM Bolivia started the UCE denomination which now has churches in all of parts of Bolivia and has been one of our strategic partners for many years. One of the church's greatest needs today is that of discipleship. The UCE has developed a discipleship program, curriculum and team to help train church leadership, disciple believers and build a mature church. The goal of the National Discipleship Team is to train 5000 pastors and church leaders (men and women) so they are able to disciple others.

Ministry: CG- Non-Institutional Church Leadership Training

Responsibilities: This position requires someone with ability to disciple others, someone with experience, the ability to work as part of a team, and someone with a passion to see Bolivian believers reach their potential.

Organisation SIM Suisse
Typ Job
Dauer Langzeitjob
Zeitraum Datum nach Absprache
Region(en) Südamerika
Land/Länder Bolivien
Berufsfeld Gemeinde, Evangelisation
Sprachkenntnisse Spanisch: Kompetent
Anforderungen First degree required. Required training: Minimum of an undergraduate degree in Theology, Bible, ministry or Christian Education. Recommended Experience: Discipleship and pastoral ministry experience. Personality Issues/ Cultural Considerat
Mindestalter 25
Finanzierung Cercle d'amis
Kontakt Brigitte Pini
032 345 14 44