
Outreach and sharing the love of God in Nakskov

Der Einsatz findet auf Englisch statt, deshalb ist die Beschreibung auf Englisch. Bei Fragen melde dich ungeniert!


We have a vision to see new followers of Jesus in vibrant communities among secular people in Denmark. That is why we partner up with the team behind a new exiting project in Nakskov Denmark. Join us for a day of prayer, outreach and a lot of fun.


OM Denmark, together with Vineyard Denmark, is pioneering a new Vibrant Community of Jesus Followers in the town of Nakskov, in Southern Denmark.


Do you have the passion and a heart for evangelism in Secularized Europe? Then get in touch with us!


Dates and more information:

14th of September 2024 - application until 19th of August

12th of October 2024 - application until 27th of September

2nd of November 2024 - application until 18th of October

Organisation OM Schweiz
Typ Einsatz
Dauer 1 Woche
Zeitraum 14.09.2024 – 02.11.2024
Region(en) Europa
Land/Länder Dänemark
Berufsfeld Gemeinde, Evangelisation
Sprachkenntnisse Englisch
Mindestalter 18
Kosten CHF 95 / monatlich
Finanzierung Einsatzkosten exkl. Reisekosten
Kontakt Andrea Rupp