
Ministry Assistant, TWR Europe

The person serving in this role will assist the International Director (ID) for Europe and European Ministry Departments in the areas of strategy development, working with National Partners in their on-going ministry and with the development of ministries in this region. Specifically, this person will assist in tasks related to TWR’s refugee ministry in Europe.


Tasks may include a) developing a three year ministry plan (updated annually) with the respective national partner that it is in line TWR’s global priorities as well as goals of the European region, b) supporting the ID and Ministry Directors in developing partner agreements, and c) assisting in establishing a fund development strategy that will support national partners in their growth and financial self-sufficiency.

Organisation TWR Europe
Typ Job
Dauer Langzeitjob
Zeitraum Datum nach Absprache
Region(en) Europa
Land/Länder Zypern
Berufsfeld Kommunikation/ Medien
Kontakt Myrtha Smith/HR/TWR Europe
+41 44 953 35 81