
Refugee Worker PRF Nr. 9219 please mention if interested

There are various opportunities available to minister and help in camps where migrants are accommodated by the UNs and the German government. Some of these ministry centres are run by churches but not all.


These migrants/refugees and asylum seekers come from various middle eastern countries such as Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, Pakistan and others. Become a friend to migrants/refugees and asylum seekers as they are very keen to make friends with westerners and learn German. People with Arabic, Farsi or Dari language skills are urgently needed.


Most of these migrants come out of very traumatic situations. Workers need to be sensitive and be able to show empathy and care.




*Offer Bible studies, worship nights, services for refugees


*Practical help and social ministry *Establish natural friendships through music classes, homework help, sports ...


*Work alongside German volunteers.


Ministry 2: CC- Christian Education Programs/Materials

Other Ministry Possibilities: A vibrant multiethnic city, well over a third of her 3.5 million inhabitants being migrants or of migrant background. Weekly activities for refugees (sports, music, sewing, language classes, mentoring programs. etc.). They need help to further develop the spiritual side of their ministry in worship, Bible studies and services.


Some of the migrant centres in Germany are temporary residential camps while they await the asylum process to be completed. Ministry also happens among those who have received refugee status and they need help to integrate into German society. Conditions are difficult and migrants are being processed to either receive refugee status or be sent back to their home countries. Various ministry centres have been set up in close proximity to some of the camps. There are two sides to the ministry. Sharing the gospel with the migrants is having an impact on the Church in Europe. Many of those who are converted enter local churches when they receive refugee status and are placed. The other side is that sharing the gospel with them, before they are sent back can contribute to the spread of the gospel into their home countries. Both these scenarios have great potential long term effects for the Kingdom of God in helping build the Church of Christ.

Organisation SIM Suisse
Typ Einsatz
Dauer bis 2 Jahre
Zeitraum Datum nach Absprache
Region(en) Europa
Land/Länder Deutschland
Berufsfeld Gemeinde, Evangelisation
Sprachkenntnisse Competent English with good understanding of German. (any Farsi, Arabic, Armenian would be an advantage)
Anforderungen Required training: Some basic evangelism training and some understanding of how to share the gospel with Muslim people. A sensitivity orientation on trauma counceling. Recommended Experience: Some evangelism and/or discipleship experience would be
Kosten CHF Ask SIM CH / monatlich
Finanzierung support group required
Kontakt Brigitte Pini
+41 79 343 38 29