
CMO - Customised Ministry Opportunities (London)

Der Einsatz findet auf Englisch statt, deshalb ist die Beschreibung auf Englisch. Bei Fragen melde dich ungeniert!


Maybe you have a special interest area you want to explore or you simply want to serve God in a missions environment for a short time. Then CMO could be for you! We are ready to work with you to provide a tailor-made opportunity that meets your needs. Whether you want to expand your faith, see God work and discover missions, work with a local church in a diverse ethnic community or help with practical work, CMO will give you an opportunity to serve and to grow. As we go out we will meet people from different religious and non-religious backgrounds, providing opportunities to learn how to share the Gospel with people from across the world.


This option is customisable; including the dates and ministry! It is a flexible option designed for people who want to get a taste of mission in a more individualised way.


Application deadline: at least 6 months before start

Click here for more information

Organisation OM Schweiz
Typ Einsatz
Dauer bis 3 Monate
Zeitraum Datum nach Absprache
Region(en) Europa
Land/Länder Grossbritannien u. Nordirland
Berufsfeld Missionsreise
Sprachkenntnisse Englisch
Mindestalter 18
Kosten CHF 760 / monatlich
Kontakt Andrea Rupp