
Internships in Ireland

Der Einsatz findet auf Englisch statt, deshalb ist die Beschreibung auf Englisch. Bei Fragen melde dich ungeniert!


Are you looking for an opportunity to explore your gifting and passions? Or are you a student who wants to practice their vocation in a cross-cultural setting?


OM is mobilising young Jesus followers to join our international team and serve and experience ministry in Ireland. We are open to have interns come from 2 weeks to 6 months, or even up to a year! Dates are flexible, although there might be more opportunities to help in other ministries during the spring/summer.


There is a variety of opportunities, for example in the areas of evangelism, kids ministry, hospitality, finance, HR and communication and marketing. Please be in touch if you want to know more. We are looking forward hearing from you!


Application deadline: at least 2 months before start

Click here for more information

Organisation OM Schweiz
Typ Einsatz
Dauer bis 1 Jahr
Zeitraum Datum nach Absprache
Region(en) Europa
Land/Länder Irland
Berufsfeld Gastgewerbe
Sprachkenntnisse Englisch
Mindestalter 18
Kontakt Andrea Rupp