
Medical & Evangelistic Village Outreach

Der Einsatz findet auf Englisch statt, deshalb ist die Beschreibung auf Englisch. Bei Fragen melde dich ungeniert!


The purpose of this outreach is: Medical outreach with evangelistic programme in Bulgarian villages among people with Muslim background.


Together with local team members you will do daily outreaches among Muslim-minority Turkish speakers in North East Bulgaria. Doctors will attend to people’s physical needs, while non-medical team members will engage people with the gospel. Special activities with kids will also take place. The locations are chosen in the context of OM’s longer-term vision to see new groups of believers in this region. Local OM workers live in this region and will ensure follow-up. The economic situation of these villages is very poor.


Participants profile: People with medical background, especially spezialized in General Medicine, Pediatrics or Gynecology; anyone


Application deadline: at least 3 months before outreach

Click here for more information

Organisation OM Schweiz
Typ Einsatz
Dauer 2 Wochen
Zeitraum Datum nach Absprache
Region(en) Europa
Land/Länder Bulgarien
Berufsfeld Gesundheitswesen
Sprachkenntnisse Englisch
Mindestalter 18
Kontakt Andrea Rupp
044 832 83 83