
Creative/Artistic Literature Workshops

In a village between two refugee camps in Eastern Chad we are working on a mother tongue literacy project among Darfur refugees. The people are enthusiastic, hospitable and lots of fun to work with. Work is developing well and has great potential, but with only two team members based here, we are limited in what we can do. As a valuable part of an existing project team we need someone to help run


Creative/Artistic Literature Workshops


Key Activity Areas (some or all possible)


• Conduct workshops for potential artists and book illustrators

• Teaching simple skills in writing and editing

• Provide basic journalism training for interviewing someone in the community to record refugee stories

• Develop training and materials in partnership with local partner organisation


Even though they are in exile, the refugees have a great desire to see their culture and traditions recorded, as well as to learn new things through reading. There are many gifted artists and people who enjoy producing stories and who would profit a lot from training in literature production to help preserve the dignity of their culture and traditions. A short-termer who is flexible, outgoing and independent in spirit could make a very meaningful contribution.


Location: Eastern Chad

Language: English (reasonable French and/or Arabic also helpful)


What you’ll need


• Personal relationship with Jesus Christ

• A church that stands behind you, especially in prayer

• Team-mindset, resilience and ability to work without intense supervision

• (Desirable) Qualifications or experience in the arts, journalism or creative writing

• (Desirable) Experience or desire to work in an inter-cultural context


Minimum age: 18

Duration: 1 month or more




Please note that this job is non-salaried. A successful applicant will be required to raise their own financial support from interested friends, family and churches. Some people choose to fund their outreach through personal savings.


Feel free to contact us for an informal discussion about the possibilities. Our main goal is to help you find your place in God’s mission.

Organisation Wycliffe Schweiz
Type Engagement court-terme
Durée jusqu'à 3 mois
Dates Date selon entente
Région(s) Afrique
Pays Tchad
Catégorie Formation
Compétences linguistiques Englisch
Age minimum 18
Financement Diese Tätigkeit ist unentgeltlich. Wir helfen dir, einen eigenen Unterstützerkreis aufzubauen.
Contact Wycliffe Schweiz / Personalabteilung
032 342 76 46