Bolivia’s Youth and Children

Country Vision

Bolivians incarnating the gospel in their communities, country and


Ministry Vision

SIM Bolivia wants to see children and youth come into a living

relationship with Jesus Christ, grow as his disciples and impact their

families, communities and Bolivia with God’s Good News


more information see attachement below

Organisation SIM Suisse
Type Engagement court-terme
Durée jusqu'à 6 mois
Dates Date selon entente
Région(s) Amérique du Sud
Pays Bolivie
Catégorie Travail parmi les enfants/ jeunes
Compétences linguistiques spanish, English
Exigences Siehe Anhang
Age minimum 18
Frais CHF ca. 1800 CHF ex. Flug/Visa/1 pers. / mensuel
Financement Selbst-finanzierunge oder Freundeskreis
Contact Joshua Tuohy
032 345 14 44